
Emovere: recovery from medically unexplained chronic conditions

A consortium consisting of nine public/private partners, including a citizen’s collective, research institute, university, eHealth partner, two healthcare insurers, and a number of GPs, will be working towards establishing a new perspective on the approach to MUPS: Medically Unexplained Physical Symptoms (also referred to as PPS (Persistent Physical Symptoms)).

MUPS is a significant health problem in the Netherlands. Over two million people suffer from chronic pain, and MUPS are a factor in 40% of all consultations at GPs. MUPS are the cause of both very high expenses in care costs (over €3.8 billion in 2019) and a reduced quality of life for many people.

Experts have indicated that a new perspective on the approach to MUPS is needed in order to help people towards recovery. This means a broader vision of illness and positive health, one in which body and mind are inseparably interconnected and with specific attention to the role of consciously and unconsciously suppressed emotions on the emergence and persistence of MUPS.

A central focus of this project is development and research on:

  • Community-oriented awareness activities based on the philosophy of the Emovere Foundation and Positive Health
  • In-service training for care providers and other relevant professionals
  • an eHealth programme and group intervention with individual elements
  • Population Health Management, a data-driven approach focussed on the potential to correlate patient characteristics with intervention types and treatment results

The project is being developed as a Citizen Science project being headed by experts in three communities in The Hague.

