Working areas

The research, teaching, and educational activities carried out under the aegis of the Health Campus are driven by the issues our partners face in their day-to-day practice. These issues revolve around the following themes that are, in turn, interconnected.

Organising Differently

The theme of Organising Differently focusses in part on the interface between the medical and social domain, repositioning of care (for example, the concept of ‘one-and-a-half-line care’), interprofessional cooperation, and alternative costing models. Examples of initiatives that arise from the theme include:

  • Healthy and Happy The Hague
    this is a movement in which care and welfare providers, the municipality of The Hague, healthcare insurers and the public are joining forces to reduce discrepancies in health outcomes. Read more (in Dutch).
    this study is researching the effects of outcome-based costing on results such as care expenses, quality of care, and health outcomes.
    Read more
  • The CONCERT study
    an evaluation of various interdisciplinary cooperation projects, for example in which specialists in the hospital attend GP consultations remotely to provide advice and support in order to maximise the effectiveness of secondary care in the most cost-effective way, or in which the routing of patients into secondary care is combined with quality policy.
  • Care as social investment
    a study of the bottlenecks in current care policy in relation to social inequalities.
  • Population Health Governance
    a study of how understanding of governance, policy, public management, and leadership can contribute to transitions in care. Read more





Evaluating Differently

Evaluating Differently puts a focus on a broad and sustainable approach to health, one which considers not only disease and care expenses but also welfare, quality of life, satisfaction of care professionals, and the effects of these on reducing discrepancies in health outcomes. It also applies a number of research methodologies from various other disciplines, such as data science, as well as qualitative and short-cycle research methods. Examples of initiatives that have emerged from this theme include:

  • ELAN
    the increasing digitalisation of systems such as healthcare registration systems has made vast quantities of data available, and with techniques such as machine learning and effect assessment of interventions, this data can be used to identify risk groups with the goal of directing, replacing, and preventing healthcare interventions.
  • Protocol Los
    this is a study of the implementation process of self-management interventions for type-2 diabetes in general practices based on combining qualitative research with routine data.
  • Measuring Healthily
    this project is developing and validating a measurement instrument for the purposes of evaluating and monitoring from broader perspectives on health (such as Positive Health).



Intervening Differently

The theme of Intervening Differently is oriented towards the creation, development, and implementation of interventions focussing on behavioural change on the part of both public/patient and professional/organisation. This includes, for example, interventions oriented towards lifestyle or environmental change, but also proactively approaching risk groups through the providers of primary care. Examples of initiatives that have emerged from this theme include:

  • Hotspotters
    this project is researching whether the proactive approach of advising and assisting people with multiple complex conditions and health issues can contribute to their quality of life and reducing mismatches between care demand and care supply.
  • Healthy Heart
    this study seeks to establish the best approach for achieving a combined lifestyle intervention among people with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Population Health Educational Programme
    this programme integrates ‘lifelong learning’ into research and implementation of educational innovation within the general practitioner training programme, for example into continuing education on the subject of obesity among young people in cooperation with professionals from different academic backgrounds.
  • Behavioural change techniques for vulnerable groups
    this study is researching what behavioural interventions are effective in reducing discrepancies in health outcomes, and how these insights can be developed into more effective policy and management.